Room Hire Agreement (Sample)

This Agreement is a sample between The Hirer (you/your)

Note: This is a draft/sample agreement for the purposes of pre-reading.  A formal specific agreement will be sent to you by UWUC Committee for signature upon submission of a room hire/booking request.

Use Of Facilities

The UWUC Committee allows you to use the following spaces for the purpose outlined in your approved booking details. 


CHAPEL ROOM,  SCHOOL ROOM,  KITCHEN,  TOILETS (delete as applicable) 


Upstairs Rooms NOT to be/ MAY be  used (delete as applicable) 


Date:  __________
Start Time: ______
End Time:  ______ 

Rental period to include setting up and clearing up.  Setup and clear up are the responsibility of The Hirer.  Any time spent by The Management on setup or clear up may incur additional cost to The Hirer.

The Hirer cannot be on the premises outside of these times. 


The hire of these facilities will be 1) a one time event / 2) from: DD/MM/YYYY until DD/MM/YYYY / 3) until further notice (delete as appropriate)

Storage – Special Arrangements

Any storage or special arrangements required by The Hirer are outlined here:

Applicable Costs

The agreed rent for use of each room, including heating and lighting, is £____ per hour / month.   

To be paid by Direct Debit into the WUCU Bank Account. (Details below). 

Door Key Management

There shall be two named keyholders on behalf of The Hirer. One of which must be present at all sessions and will be deemed responsible for compliance with the terms of this AgreementIf the key is passed to another member of your group, the UWUC representative must be notified of name and contact details.  You must return the key to UWUC as soon as possible after the end of the room hire.

Lost keys incur and additional cost of £____.

Authorised Keyholders  

Name: …………………………......................
Address: ……………………………………....
Mobile Phone: ……………………….............

Name: …………………………......................
Address: ……………………………………....
Mobile Phone: ……………………….............

Terms of Hire

The Hirer is responsible for ensuring the following conditions are observed at all times and the room is used correctly. Failure to adhere to these terms may incur an additional cost. 

  1. Health & Safety Regulations must be observed.  A oopy of these can be found _______________
  2. Alcohol will only be allowed on the premises at the discretion, and with prior agreement of the Management Committee.
  3. Smoking is not allowed in any part of the building.
  4. Ball games and other boisterous games that may cause damage to the property or its contents are not allowed indoors.
  5. The premises may not be used for party political purposes.
  6. All rooms used must be left in a clean and tidy condition.  The altar and pews may not be moved. Any other furniture must be returned to its original position.
  7. No food or drink can be brought into the chapel room at any time (other than for Holy Communion).
  8. All lights (excepting the emergency light) must be turned off before leaving the building.  If radiators are adjusted these should be returned to the original setting of _____________.
  9. The building must be securely locked and the alarm set when the last person leaves the building.  The last person to leave from any group should check that there are no other users still in the building.
  10. Emergency exits must be kept clear at all times when a room is in use. The external doors to the chapel room must be unbolted when the chapel room is in use and must be secured and locked on leaving.
  11. All keys you hold remain the property of the UWUC and should be returned immediately unless alternative arrangements have been made.
  12. Breakages and damage to the building, furnishings or contents, or problems with heating or lighting must be reported immediately to UWUC representative signing this agreement.  Breakages and damage may be charged for.
  13. Please note that the whole building is Grade 2 Listed and of historic significance.  It must be treated with care and respect. The use of fixings such as tacks, pins, Blu-tack or adhesive tape on woodwork or walls is not allowed and care must be taken not to damage the fabric of the building. 
  14. Neither the UWUC Committee, nor anyone acting on their behalf, shall be liable for any loss or da
  15. mage to users’ belongings.  Equipment belonging to the Hirer is not covered by UWUC Insurance. 
  16. This agreement does not confer any rights under the Landlord and Tenant Act. 
  17. The Hirer must comply with the provision of the Children’s Act 1989 and must also ensure that only fit and proper persons have access to children for whom the activities are organised.  The management expect The Hirer to make their own arrangements for child protection and for physical health and safety on the premises.  The Hirer must provide a copy of a current Safeguarding Policy and Public Liability Insurance Certificate.  Children must be supervised at all times within the building and in the grounds. 
  18. All ongoing agreements lasting more than three months will be reviewed at three monthly intervals.
  19. The named representative of the Hirer and member of the UWUC Management Committee must sign this agreement.
  20. Failure to sign this agreement will result in permission to use the rooms being withdrawn.   
  21. The chapel committee may change the conditions set out in this agreement at any time.  The Hirer will be given two weeks notice of any permanent changes in conditions affecting this agreement. 

Signature of Agreement

For The Hirer:
Signed: …………………………………….……………………………
Date: …………………………………….………………………………
Name (Please Print):
Address: …………………………………………………………………
Post Code: …………….…………………………
Tel Landline: ……………………………………………
Mobile: …………………………………………………….

Email: ……………………………………………………

Signed: …………………………………….……………………………
Date: …………………………………….………………………………
Name (Please Print):
Address: …………………………………………………………………
Post Code: …………….…………………………
Tel Landline: ……………………………………………
Mobile: …………………………………………………….

Email: ……………………………………………………

Please complete, keep one copy for your records and return a signed copy to:
Mrs Rosemary Francis, Chapel Treasurer
(Contact details provided upon request)

Bank Details

Account name: Upper Wincobank Undenominational Chapel 
Sort Code: [Provided on Request]
Account Number: [Provided on Request]
Address: Nat West Bank, 6 Bellhouse Road, Firth Park, SHEFFIELD S5 6DA